Our Community Outreach Partners

‘The Monday Hub’

The Pantry comes alive on a Monday  when it is joined by other likeminded organisations offering a variety of FREE services.

Hair Aid Logo

Hair Aid, has two main goals:

1 – Travel to developing countries and teach people living in poverty, the skill of hair cutting. Once they’ve been trained people can start their own micro business, cutting hair in their own communities, earning money. With money, they can support their families by buying fresh water and food, educate their children, and move into housing. Since 2014 more than 5,500 people have been trained.

2 – Hair Aid Community Cuts. This is where volunteer hair dressers go along to a location in their own community, and work with local groups that support people in need. Free hair cuts are gifted, providing dignity and respect and empowering them to take positive steps forward.

Hair Aid
Rosies Logo

Rosies Friends On The Street

Rosies has a mission to ensure that no Queenslander feels left out or disconnected from their community. Rosies aims to provide friendship and unconditional acceptance to those doing it tough with a warm smile and a hot drink.


Stand Up Step Out’s outreach approach begins to restore dignity to those people experiencing homelessness or isolation by being able to offer shower and laundry services, counselling and relationship building opportunities as well as appropriate referrals for ongoing assistance. The uniqueness of this service lies in its focus to service the outer suburbs of Brisbane where there has been an identified deficiency of homelessness services.


Thread Together is a dedicated mobile wardrobe van based in Brisbane and will service the greater Brisbane community enabling new clothing, shoes and accessories to be distributed to those in need through taking excess new clothing from manufacturers and designers and redistributing it to vulnerable people within the community at no cost to the recipient.

Thread Together